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The local, national and global impact of the Professional Community Intervention Training Institute International, (PCITI) and all its affiliates, has been extraordinary. We have created and implemented one of the most distinctive pro-active peacetime movements currently in existence. Our multi-disciplinary, practitioner based methodology that utilizes an exclusive intersecting approach brings together top subject matter experts, elite practitioners, governmental municipalities, academic professionals and community groundbreakers. Collectively we set the standard for comprehensive violence abatement education & training, across-the-board assessments, research, policy based practices, and community driven leadership. Our expertise has touched and improved the lives of thousands. Individuals, families and communities at large has benefitted from the services of he PCITI International.

We have accomplished by increasing the standard and quality of life, providing healthy and violence free communities and empowering those we touch with hope and the vision to triumph.

Working with our collaborative partners, our organization has been influential in interrupting, redirecting and minimizing the sequence of violence and the aftermath it carries with it throughout greater Los Angeles, the nation and globally. We have put in place a series of safety networks working together with security safe havens and regional peacekeepers to create one of the most successful infrastructures for reducing hostility and urban aggression presently in operation. Additionally we have aided numerous municipalities in drafting their public safety protocols and have conducted specified training to promote their public health efforts. PCITI has developed a multitude of community self reliant programs Including:


Geographically our Impact been felt in Cites and Countries throughout the world, from the west coast of Los Angeles to the east coast of Washington D.C. Nationally cities like Atlanta, Georgia; Corpuses Christi, Texas; Seattle and Tacoma, Maryland, Little Rock, Arkansas, San Francisco, Oakland California; Chicago, Illinois; and many others have received the expertise and operational refinement from the PCITI renowned certified training team. The PCITI street proven model was successful in garnishing the interest of international leadership. Internationally we have facilitated in the design of a global linkage of professionals who are operating collectively under a unified standard of operation to reduce worldwide violence. The staff of the P.C.I.T.I. was invited to the countries of Ghana, China, El Salvador, Egypt, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Uruguay, London, Togo and in the chambers of the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.

Our expertise has been requested to teach, train, share and assist in organization planning, development and refining the experts on the ground. To date, BUILD Program has visited over four continents where the PCITI model has been utilized as the “Standardized Protocol of Operation.”


With our full service expertise, the target population who has directly benefitted from our work has been extremely diverse, children-young adults-adolescents, current and former gang involved individuals, at-risk gang associated youth, women-girls, men-boys, families, ex-offenders, incarcerated individuals, youth-adults in both urban and rural environments, the elderly, crew affiliated ex-offenders, refugees-immigrants, the disabled, LGTB members and victims of violence of all cultures and nationalities.


Our training and developmental institute operates on a 24/7 basis. We have a critical response team that continually answers calls for expertise in a swarm of critical situations. Our consulting and troubleshooting experts are on call and provide their proficiency situation specific situations ongoing. We are also reached by scores of entitles, public and private through social medial.


There is a trend for most individuals and organizations in the field of violence prevention to implore just the public health system model. We go way beyond that concept, We implore components of all four universal systems of violence control including the Public Health Model:

1. Public Health
2. Human Rights
3. Geographical Buffering
4. Criminal Justice

(Blueprints, Systems, Directional Roadmaps Guide The Process)

Our company employs a diverse group of “award winning” field-tested & scientific proven strategies to accomplish our stated objectives. We start with bottom-up evaluations, followed by developing tailored “plans of action” which have been field tested and demonstrated to work! From there we build duplicable templates and blueprints that set the foundation for the devised action plans followed by the selection of the best practitioner based experts available to carry out the arrangements. An on-going assessment and evaluation process is put in place to assure we meet and continue to maintain our desired outcomes.

The Need
Addressing The Core & Root Causes by Providing Tangible Solutions

Within the last few years there has been a substantial focus related to the reduction of trepidation in many of our belittled cities. Community intercession-prevention, targeted neighborhood mobilization and restoration, individual enhancement, grassroots advocacy and community gang intervention-reduction efforts in greater Los Angeles have led the way in this effort throughout the nation. PCITI provides this additional expertise through its numerous instructional prototypes and directional proposals that have assisted its users in providing “doable systems” of situational specific directions.


Recent research has shown that narrowing and targeting the efforts of community-based intervention strategies ensures the best possible allocation of resources to achieve the maximum impact in community mobilization & stabilization. PCITI strategic plans are flexible, community driven and may vary in replication from community to community based on the identified needs and problems. We have identified four key indicators that should be addressed when developing a comprehensive community plan, they are as follows: Community Mobilization, Social-Communal Intervention, Organizational/Individual Restoration, Purposeful cause Driven Solutions and Answers.

PCITI has a proven track record with a focus on concrete results and outcomes. Our organizations’ proven results are recognized in the greater Los Angeles region, nationally and globally. PCITI is unique in delivering comprehensive community-based intervention services and we have provided: Service to thousands of gang affiliated youth and their families on an annual basis; Created one of the largest violence prevention and intervention training networks in America; Have established successful & effective partnerships with universities, law enforcement entities, governmental entities, schools, community-based agencies, and the community itself, and; Over 45years of experience providing validated direct services to youth, their families, communities members and municipalities.


“PRACTITIONER BASED” Community Driven Violence Intervention, Gang Intermediation Training Institute and Personal Developmental Learning Center


Professionalization the work of Community Based Violence Intervention.


Professional Certification, Professional Standard development, Operational Protocols created, Principals of Behavior implemented, Code of accepted conduct), Universally Accepted Skill Sets utilizing the components of the Two Prong Model.

Through the Professional Community Intervention Training Institute (P.C.I.T.I.), Community Violence Specialists, Inc. utilize a practitioner focused, multidisciplinary methodology to create a holistic approach to problem solving and skill set development.

Additional Impact:

  • Partnered to develop the first Coast to Coast gang intervention certification training model in the Nation
  • Authored the critical acclaimed book, ‘Peace in the Hood” (working with gang members to stop the violence) which serve as the lone text and operational manual for this area of work.
  • Participated in drafting the WHO violence prevention initiate for the year 2015 to 2030.
  • Developed and implemented the National Professional certification training program for violence intersession first responders
  • Instrumental in helping draft the Los Angeles Police Department’s “Gang Awareness training course” and have instructed hundreds of officer & supervisors through this course.
  • Created the NCIB (National Community Intervention Board (The first and lone body) of academic practitioners and subject matter experts who develop the standards and accountability for the field of community violence prevention and gang intersession.
  • Generated and implemented the “Street Survival 101” course for the Los Angeles Fire Department training over 17oo of their personnel.
  • Partnered to create the exclusive course for the Chicago School of Professional Psychology graduated students
  • USC gand Adolesence
  • USC Public Health Dept
  • Collaborative manual with Collaborative Solutions
  • Manual of Operation
  • Peace in the hood

Evidence-Based Program Models for Long-Term Effectiveness

PCITI has gone through extraordinary efforts to build and implement “true” evidence-based practices, procedures and methodologies that have undergone rigorous experimental design both inside the classroom as well as on the street in practitioner based exercises. Our proven systems have been used in city after city and have shown significant deterrent effects on unconstructive conduct, communal negligence and unproductive irrational thinking. We use street proven practices replicated many times over which have been shown to sustain their effects over an extended period of time.

The P.C.I.T.I has received a number of national and international awards and accolades including the following

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American Committee for the United Nations Humanitarian Award

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City of New York – 911 Acclamation

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State of California, Peacebuilder Award

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Los Angeles City Council, Certificate of Accommodation

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Los Angeles Fire Department, Community Service Award

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Los Angeles City, Outstanding Activism Award

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Los Angeles County, Community Intervention Award

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California Peace Prize – The Wellness Foundation

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Jonathan Jasper Award – Ass. Blacks in Criminal Justice

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California Legislature Assembly Certificate of Recognition

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LA City Council Congressional Commendation (Congresswoman Janice Hahn)

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Certificate of Commendation – Community Service LAPD